Youseline Tima is 12 years old and her two little brothers, Josue Saint Phar is 22 months old and baby Daniel Saint Phar is 8 months old. They are well as far as develomental but they are so malnurished and very hungry. Youseline has not had a father since she was born. The boys have a different father than their sister. There were four children but the mother wanted to keep one to have something to hold on to. We ask the mother if we were to provide provision for them if she would keep them all but she responded that she just could not care for four children by herself. Josue can walk, and Daniel is sitting up well. The mother had a very hard time with leaving them.
This is Lorvenson Pierre Louis. He is three years old and came from Gonaives. He was brought by his grandmother. They lost everything in Hurricane Ike. The flood washed all their birth certificates and such away. His mother died giving birth. His father is unknown. Lorvenson was so hungry since he had not eaten in days. When we give him food, he stuffs his mouth so full with still so much fear of starvation.